ARGEN NoeDx HCV Genotyping qPCR Kit

التنميط الجيني RGEN HCV qPCR Kit ، ARGEN الفيروسية Real-Time PCR Detection System for Hepatitis C virus (HCV) in human serum or plasma (EDTA) using Nucleic Acid Purification Kit and BIO-RAD CFX96-IVD. The ARGEN HCV Genotyping qPCR Kit، can identify HCV genotypes 1a، 1b، 2، 3، 4، 5 and 6 (6a / 6b). The ARGEN HCV Genotyping qPCR Kit، is designed to assist in the management of patients with chronic HCV infection and to establish a strategy.
treatment with all relevant clinical and laboratory findings المضاد للفيروسات. التنميط الجيني ARGEN HCV qPCR Kit، is not intended to screen blood and blood products for the presence of HCV RNA or to confirm the diagnosis of HCV infection.
The method is performed directly on RNA extracted from patient samples. Identification of HCV-RNA genotypes/subtypes 1a، 1b، 2، 3، 4، 5 and 6 (6a/6b)، is done in 4 different reactions where the specific Internal Control (IC) is detected simultaneously. In tube 12،, one primer-probe set، amplifies the nonstructural region 5b (NS5b) of genotype 1a, and the other set، amplifies the 5 untranslated regions (5′-UTR) of genotype 2. One primer-probe in tube 15،. Cluster، amplifies the nonstructural 5b (NS5b) region of genotype 1b and the other cluster، amplifies the nonstructural 5b (NS5b) region of genotype 5. ) amplifies the region of genotype 3 and the nonstructural region 5b (NS5b) of the other group genotype 4. In tube 6, a primer-probe set amplifies the Core (C) region of genotype 6.

  • Analysis: Qualitative
  • Specimens: human serum or human plasma collected in EDTA anticoagulant
  • Purification System: AGEL Viral Nucleic Acid Purification Kit
  • Validated Instruments: BIO-RAD CFX96 Rotor-Gene 3000/6000 Applied Biosystems 7500 LightCycler 2.0 LineGene 9600 Stratagene Mx3000p/Mx3005p
  • Diagnostic Specificity: ≥ 99 %
  • Analytical Sensitivity: between 33-89 IU/ml (depending on the genotype)

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ARGEN NoeDx HCV Genotyping qPCR Kit
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